Pelanduk Publishers
is the first beauty guide to help you understand what each aspect of your face says about you. How to use make-up to say when you want to say about yourself and to change your look for the better - even the best. More...

The Zodiac CD includes 12 songs based on the 12 astrological signs. Sing these songs at your friends and loved ones' birthday parties. More...

Peter Shen
Peter Shen is an internationally renowned spokesperson in the fragrance, cosmetics and fashion industry. He is a frequent guest on national television and radio talk shows in the United States as well as a popular lecturer on the history of fragrance, the art of make-up, and face analysis.

He is the author of Peter Shen's Make-up for Success and others. His latest book Villa Shen is published by Pelanduk Publications of Malaysia.

His screen plays, Red Haired Tumbler, and Autumn in Shanghai have been made into films by Seni 20/20, a Malaysian based film company. His CD, A Collection of the 12 Horoscope Songs is released by Rhythmnation Productions.
Peter Shen/OMA Associates Inc.
©Copyright 2005
All rights reserved
A heart warming story of street performers.
Coming of age in the 1950's.
Malaya in 1950's - Tom, an orphaned American boy, was a street urchin. By chance, he joined an acrobatic troupe and became a street performer. At that time, Malaya was still a colony under the British crown. To the British, the locals were second class citizens. This is a story about the multiethnic inhabitants of Malaya living under British rule and the rights of passage of Tom and his fellow young acrobats.

Peter's feature film projects in development include: Green Eyes, a romantic science fiction story; The Hard Rock Mansion, a rollicking musical comedy; and Journey to the Long House, a jungle adventure in an exotic land.


Here are some of Peter Shen's paintings from his collection of the great beauties of the silver screen. Shen uses actual cosmetics to color and design a variety of make-up styles in his paintings. For his clients Shen uses the same technique, coloring their pictures to show them how make-up is correctly applied. More...